Exciting Announcement:
Beyond Warehousing Joins Smart Warehousing!
We are excited about the opportunities this acquisition brings. With Smart Warehousing’s extensive experience, cutting-edge technology, and commitment to excellence, we are well-positioned to elevate our offerings and provide even greater value to our customers. Visit Smart Warehousing’s website to learn more.

Discover the Benefits of Beyond Warehousing’s Cross Docking Services in Kansas City

Our cross-docking services in Kansas City are built for quick turnaround and cost-effectiveness. While our cross-docking services can be utilized in a variety of scenarios, they are particularly beneficial for companies shipping or importing goods into Kansas City.

Proximity to Rail & BNSF Intermodal Facility

With our strategic locations less than a mile from the BNSF intermodal facility in Edgerton, KS, Beyond Warehousing can efficiently transfer products from rail to truck. Our warehouses in Edgerton offer many cost-saving opportunities, positioning us as an ideal logistics provider for companies shipping into Kansas City. Including our other Kansas City-area warehouses, Beyond Warehousing is near all four Class 1 rails (BNSF, CPKC, NS, and UP) in the region.

Overweight Corridor Advantage

Beyond Warehousing maximizes the advantages of Logistics Park Kansas City in Edgerton, featuring an overweight corridor. This unique feature allows the movement of containers weighing up to 58,000 lbs. to our warehouses without additional fees compared to standard 40,000-lb containers. This is especially advantageous for importers of heavy, dense products who typically pay to ship empty container space to meet over-the-road weight requirements.

Drayage & Transportation

Beyond Warehousing’s proximity to the rail minimizes drayage expenses and reduces the risk of detention fees. Leveraging our extensive network of transportation partners, we can seamlessly coordinate transportation to and/or from our facilities or offer referrals for clients who prefer managing their own transportation.

Food-Grade Facilities for Quality Assurance

Our facilities within the logistics park are certified as food-grade. This commitment ensures that your products are handled in environments adhering to the highest safety and sanitation standards.

Benefits of Cross Docking Services

Cross-docking minimizes the time products spend in the warehouse, accelerating order fulfillment and delivery times. This agility not only satisfies customer expectations but also positions your business as a flexible and responsive player in the market.
Cross-docking facilitates a just-in-time inventory approach, where products move seamlessly from inbound transportation to outbound without the need for long-term storage. This approach allows businesses to maintain optimal inventory levels, reducing carrying costs and minimizing the risks associated with overstocking or stockouts.
Cross-docking is an adaptable solution that caters to diverse business needs, accommodating different product types, industries, and supply chain complexities. Whether you’re dealing with perishable goods, eCommerce items, or industrial supplies, cross docking can be tailored to suit your unique requirements.
Traditional warehousing often entails significant storage costs and handling expenses. Cross-docking streamlines these processes, reducing the need for long-term storage and excessive handling. This translates to cost savings and ensures a leaner, more efficient logistics operation.

Need Additional Services?

View our services page to get more information about our 3PL warehousing services.

Cross Dock Warehouse Locations

View our locations page to get more information about our warehouse locations providing cross-docking services.
BRCGS Certified Logo

Looking for Cross Docking Services?

Connect with Beyond Warehousing today to request a quote and see how our cross-docking services can improve your supply chain efficiency!

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